At the Back of the North Wind - 2


Thoughtful quotes from the 1871 young person's novel At the Back of the North Wind by George Macdonald:

... in Chapter II:

... there is a good kind of crossness that is only disagreeable, and there is a bad kind of crossness that is very nasty indeed ...

... in Chapter III:

The sun was going down when he flew from the door like a bird from its cage. All the world was new to him. A great fire of sunset burned on the top of the gate that led from the stables to the house; above the fire in the sky lay a large lake of green light, above that a golden cloud, and over that the blue of the wintry heavens. And Diamond thought that, next to his own home, he had never seen any place he would like so much to live in as that sky. For it is not fine things that make home a nice place, but your mother and your father.

... and:

"Why should you see things," returned North Wind, "that you wouldn't understand or know what to do with? Good people see good things; bad people, bad things."

... and in Chapter IV:

... Everybody can't be done to all the same. Everybody is not ready for the same thing. ...

^z - 2020-06-05